Building stronger, sustainable, synergetic business structures

A partner growth model for today.

CorAlliance - A business growth model for today

A business growth model for today's market

CorAlliance® is a system designed for SME business expansion and the supply of goods and services. Built upon a business alliance between the brand owner (Principal) and the local operator (Member). Members pay to join the CorAlliance®, which is structured around a collective of businesses uniting under a single brand. This collaboration allows members to leverage brand strength, buying power, extended reach, established systems, and support while retaining individual ownership of their businesses.

  • An alternative partner growth model to franchises, licenses, contractor arrangements and cooperatives
  • Build a thriving network of businesses under your brand
  • Grow your brand through investment from committed operators
  • Ideal for owners passionate about mentorship and helping others find success
  • Attract top talent and skilled workers by offering a pathway to business ownership

There are two distinct Member profiles in a CorAlliance®

CorAlliance - Seeking Self Employment

Profile One

Seeking Self Employment

Many people find self-employment a highly appealing prospect, although few have the confidence to make the leap.
Through a CorAlliance® model, established business owners offer individuals assistance with setting up their own businesses under the Principals brand, systems, buying power, and support. The CorAlliance® essentially provides a business ecosystem with access to resources and benefits they otherwise wouldn't have.

CorAlliance - Owner-Operators

Profile Two

Small Operators

Statistically, only 20% of those who have the confidence to start their own business will still have a viable operation after 2 years. Usually, a lack of systems, processes, marketing, supply arrangements, and brand strength sees many start-ups fail, and owners are back in the workforce or contracting to larger organisations.

Through a CorAlliance® model, established businesses provide smaller operators valuable access to brand strength, buying power, established systems, and support while maintaining ownership of their business.

A Different Mindset

Unlike other *partner models, where the brand owner provides strict guidelines for all areas of operation, in a CorAlliance® model, the Principal takes a collaborative and democratic approach to the relationship with Members. The strength of the model lies in its purpose, which is to empower small businesses to thrive in a competitive landscape by offering a supportive ecosystem for collaboration, learning, and mutual success.

Essentially, CorAlliance® delivers value to members far beyond their reach as an independent operator in the industry, resulting in Member retention for the Principal through reciprocated benefits rather than rigid contracts.


CorAlliance - A different mindset